An open letter to Wendy Dek: I love you so much and there are not enough words to express my appreciation. i will try. I have been in this hotel since May 2nd and I have not been worried about my pups cause I knew you had them and would take care of them. I have had these three large dogs in this tiny room since June 9th. I have to walk all three at once most times by myself. They go in the elevator with me and have better manners than most humans. They sit and wait until people get off the elevator before they go on and they wait until they are “free” to step off the elevator. I have gotten so many compliments on how well behaved they are. They don’t bark or act insane even though they are stuck in a room. Matter of fact, they have whined less than I have. So, Wendy, I want the world to know how amazing YOU are because you are the reason they are that good. You have trained their mom to train them and I will be forever grateful.
You have my permission to copy this and put this on your business webpage.

Posted By: Sue Davidson Brezinsky

Wendy was recommended to me by our vet and groomer. She has lived up to here reputation. We adopted our boy when he was 9 months old. He is beautiful, and very sweet, but developed a few bad habits while he was waiting for us.
Wendy has handled each issue with a very logical and disciplined approach, always reminding me that I am the ‘one in charge’. It has been comforting to know that she is only a ‘text’ away.
She has been my cheerleader, turning a dog that I was ready to give away, into one that is well mannered and a ‘keeper’.

Posted By: Kathryn Voreis

Wendy is a rock star! Along with potty training Penelope, our young Yorkie, she taught the dog general obedience. She kept our dog 24/7 for about a month, then Wendy made home visits to check progress and reinforce behavior! Penelope has responded better than we could have imagined! Wendy’s the best! I give her service the highest recommendation!

Posted By: Jill Fielder

Wendy was great with my 6 month old basset hound. She taught me just as much as taught him. The training sessions were awesome and I would recommend her highly to anyone looking for dog training. The money could not be better spent!!!!

Posted By: Elliot Perry

7341My name is Nathan and I have a 5 month old white German Shepherd named Cash. I found Wendy online after an unpleasant consultation with another dog trainer. The meeting with the other trainer was very impersonal, they tried to force things on me that I did not particularly want and to receieve the kind of training I wanted he wanted to use a shock collar. I was ok paying the money but not thrilled at all with the thought of shock training my dog. Wendy was quick to set up an appointment with me and the second she stepped in the door we were working with Cash. I could tell that it wasn’t about contracts or over the top selling techiques with her, it was all about love for my dog. She helped me understand why Cash acted the way he did and helped me find ways to curve his behavior to how I wanted him to act. She was always patient with Cash, sometimes having to stand outside my door in the Texas heat while I tried to get him to stay on his mat when she knocked on the door. I am very pleased with the help I received from Wendy and I will most definitely be working with her in the near future for more advanced training with Cash!

Posted By: Nathaniel
Richland Hills, TX

6971Wendy selected “Ranger” from a video provided by Susan of California Carolina Dogs in Vallejo, California. (it was cheaper than sending Wendy to California) From just watching the puppies from Susan’s litter, Wendy was able to tell that “Ranger” had the best qualities and she was spot on. Ranger is my second American Dingo breed dog and both have attended Wendy’s training classes. I really must say that it was I that Wendy trained and the dogs just went along for the treats. They have been properly “socialized” and are both very well behaved, attentive and intelligent. Wendy knows how to bring out the best in both dog and handler to have a lasting and loving relationship. It’s four years later and Ranger is my “truck buddy” and I take him with me every chance I get. The bond between us is what good stories are made of and will never be broken. We still see Wendy and her husband John as they have become the dearest of friends. (“Mates” They’re Aussies you know) Ranger and I can often be found spending Sunday afternoons at Wendy’s “Fungility” classes. Thanks mate, you’re an excellent trainer and a wonderful friend.

Posted By: Lee Larsen
retired, Grand Prairie

6951We contacted Wendy in Summer 2012. We had a 7 month old baby and were concerned about how our dog Ringo would behave as our baby grew into a toddler. Ringo was often nervous and excited, which led to bad behaviors. Wendy was really helpful and gave us the tools to help reduce these behaviors. Ringo no longer barks constantly when he wants inside, and he rarely barks in the house! We can take him on walks without all the pulling and barking, and he is really doing great with our now 16 month old son. I think what Wendy helped us with was more than just tips and training though. She helped teach me how to communicate with my dog in a more positive way and to focus on the good behaviors instead of the bad ones which led to a much better relationship, and I think that has led to him being a calmer dog. We went from worrying that we would have to find him a new home to knowing we will never have to consider that painful decision again. Thanks Wendy!!!

Posted By: Carly Knoll
Keller, TX

Wendy is an excellent trainer and helped my daughter and myself train our new puppy Missy who is a feisty mischievous puppy. She enabled us to communicate with our pup on the puppy’s level and we now have the information we need to continue to train her to be a member of our family. I truly appreciate all that Wendy has done and would most definitely recommend her services to anyone that needs puppy or dog training.

Thanks Wendy

Posted By: Kathy Blanchard

My husband and I came to Wendy looking for help with our dog Captain. He was showing signs of aggression that made us concerned. After just 1 one-on-one session with Wendy we could see a dramatic improvement in Captain’s behavior! Wendy helped us to realize that his aggression was a reflection of his comfort level with his environment and we have been able to redirect his attention so much better after all of our sessions with Wendy! She instilled us with the knowledge and confidence to help us continue to train and work with Captain and his fears!

I can’t express how much Wendy has helped our family! If you’re looking for help, look no further!

Posted By: Victoria Burrow

Just finished our 5 week course with Wendy. So happy with the results! Wendy was great with our new puppy Milo, and with us. Milo has learned so much and we have much more control over our energetic puppy. Wendy even met me at the dog park the last week of training so we could see how Milo behaved with distractions. He did great!

It was a great learning experience for us(and Milo). We’ll continue to work with him and I know I can check in with Wendy if we have questions. I’ve already recommended her to a friend at work with a new pup.

So worth it!!!

Thanks Wendy

Posted By: jo koontz
aledo texas

Wendy did an excellent job of training us and our new puppy! We enrolled our dog and family in the 5 session training class once a week. The day after our new puppy arrived we started training. Each week our dog and family together learned new techniques. We have been able to continue to work with our dog after completion of the sessions. I would highly recommend working with Wendy to learn how to work with your dog and it is great to start when the puppy is young before there are issues to resolve.

Posted By: Carmen Yung

Wendy did an amazing job with our two Olde English Bulldogges, Gibson and Taylor. Gibson is 6 and Taylor is 1, and we were having a hard time with Taylor’s jumping and both dogs’ excitement when guests would come to the house. After 5 sessions with Wendy both dogs have improved by leaps and bounds, and we have the tools to ensure they continue to improve. We highly recommend Wendy, her knowledge and experience ensure great results. Thanks, Wendy!

Posted By: James and Stacey Gillis
Arlington, Tx

I was amazed at how much Major learned (as well as our other 2 labs) in just that first lesson. I contacted Wendy for basic obedience, with plans for eventual testing for “Therapy Dog”. She is an amazing trainer and such a sweet person! I was a little sad when he passed his basic obedience and we wouldn’t be meeting for training every week. If you are considering a trainer for your dog who truly cares and wants your fur baby to be the best he can be, run to the phone and call! You will not be disappointed!

Posted By: Stephanie Doan
Irving, Tx

To put it simply, Wendy is the best! For boarding or for walking Wendy treated our dog like her own. The best example of this was when she came to our house, in the middle of a tornado warning, to let “her moosey” out to the bathroom. She knew my husband and I had a late work schedule that day and she didn’t want Moose to go without his bathroom break. I was in complete shock when I got home and realized she still came that day. And since she started walking Moose, he walks so much better on the leash and has dropped his bad habits. We can not express how sad we are to move away and have to find a new Wendy, if I can find someone half as good I will be surprised. Thank you so much Wendy, we will all miss you.

Posted By: Antonia Davidson
Dallas, tx

Several months ago we adopted a rescue pup–a male Dalmatian/Boxer mix. We began training him in puppy classes, run by the local humane society. After two sessions, we realized our needs weren’t being met in the group environment as our puppy, Kermit, was too easily distracted. My daughter and I had been fans of Victoria Stilwell’s Dogs 101 show and, through her website, we located Wendy Dek at C.A.T.S.

After I filled out an online form, Wendy called and arranged our first session. Kermit already knew several basic commands–sit and down as well as some tricks like spin and speak. What Wendy was able to do, that we were unsuccessful at doing on our own, was to teach us how to better control Kermit. Our main concerns she addressed were stopping him from pulling on the leash, jumping on children, lunging at passersby and dashing out the door. Over the course of a couple months and five sessions (where she came to our house), we were able to see a huge improvement in Kermit’s behavior. Wendy has helped make our dog a pleasure to own and has remained accessible to us should we have any questions or concerns.

It’s evident that she loves what she does and is the best at it. Her methods have instilled better behavior in Kermit while making us better owners–all done without force. We highly recommend Wendy to anyone who needs help with their pet. We’re so glad we found her!

Posted By: Pamela Hammonds
Flower Mound

Wendy did a great job helping us with training techniques to introduce our new Yorkie (Bentley) with our 2 year old Yorkie (Cash). They were not getting along at all until she showed us how to handle the conflict between the two dogs. It was such a relief having Wendy come to our house and help get us started in the right direction. Still a work in progress, but we definitely have learned how to handle situations better now thanks to Wendy.

Posted By: Tracy
Flower Mound Tx

Wendy has enabled us to get our dogs to do things we had never imagined….by which I mean good things!

She has taught us how to communicate more effectively with our pups such that we now get results so much sooner than expected. Tips and pointers are always provided on a case by case basis, so you get the help you need with your dog, not just general advice which makes all the difference.

I always recommend Wendy as she really cares about the dogs and helps to teach us to be better trainers…as it has become clear that often it’s us that needs to learn….not the dogs!

Posted By: Amanda

We rescued Hillary when she was 2. She was severely abused and wouldn’t look us in the eye in order to start obedience training. She was scared of people.

Thankfully Wendy was recommended to us. she did in-home training to help us help Hillary to build relationships with humans so that we could move on to obedience training. Wendy is the reason that owning a dog has been such a positive experience for our family. We could not have done it without her. She’s professional and loving in one.

We now board her with Wendy and wouldn’t leave her anywhere else. Hillary is so happy to see Wendy and loves staying there. I never feel bad leaving her there when we go out of town,she loves it.

I’ve recommended Wendy to all of my friends. She’s worth it. I now consider Wendy a friend. You will too. You can’t help but love her just like your dog will.

Posted By: beth
grand praire

Enrolled our dog in Wendy’s Board and Train program and the results are great. Tater now obeys the basic commands such as sit, stay, down, wait and leave it. He no longer pulls when walking Still a few minor adjustments but that is probably something need to learn. I am extremely satisfied with the results. I would recommend Wendy to anyone that asks about about a dog trainer. Wendy takes the time to explain things and show you the correct way to issue the commands.

Posted By: Pete Della Sciucca

Wendy came out and worked with me and my 2 dogs. After just one hour it was a miracle what they learned. Scarlett is no longer darting out the front door. And she left me with lots of tips and ideas to work with them.

The dogs had fun as well and just loved her.

Thanks for all your help.

Posted By: Kay Steffen